Friday 13 September 2013

Bargain Does Not Mean Best – Why You Should Avoid Amateur Photographers

We all love a bargain, but as any savvy shopper will tell you, the cheapest product does not generally equate to the best. It’s great when you buy a £5 dress from the High Street, but not so great when it falls apart after the first wash. With smaller purchases we tend to grin and bear it, but what if you choose to cut corners on something much more important, like your corporate or wedding photos?
Professional photography may seem like a large expense, especially when you only see the photographer for the few hours they attend your event, but there’s a lot more to it than turning up on the day and taking a few photos.

The Photography Gamble: The Importance of Professional Corporate Photography

Would you let your uncle’s cousin’s friend design your logo, write your email shots or organise your corporate awards ceremony? Then why run the risk of less than exemplary results when you hire a corporate photographer? Photographs of events or images that are used in brochures and other promotional materials can be a powerful marketing tool -provided they look professional. On the other hand, allowing poor photographs to be used to represent your company can have the exact opposite effect and send out all the wrong signals about the professionalism of your company.

The advent of digital cameras has meant that any Tom, Dick or Harry can buy relatively cheap machinery, have zero photography skills and still call themselves a professional. But as with any profession, becoming a really great photographer takes time, effort, experience and sheer hard work.
There are a whole host of instances when a professional corporate photographer can be just what you need and great photographs of your premises, your awards ceremonies, your key staff members or your charitable events are ideal for making an unforgettable first impression and sending out a positive message about your company.

The Case of the Wedding Photographer

The photographs that are taken at your wedding serve as a record of the happiest and most important day of your life. If they go wrong, or you’re not satisfied with what you get, you can’t do the day over again - so you’ve really got no recompense. The best way to avoid this happening is to choose a professional photographer who knows what they’re doing. 

Whereas in the past you had little choice about the type of photographer you could hire and the results you’d get, today there are hundreds of competitors, some of whom pride themselves on a professional service and others who are looking to make a quick buck.

Weddings are expensive so it’s understandable that couples look for ways to make savings, but consider this; which would be more devastating - a poor wedding breakfast that didn’t impress your guests, or completely ruined wedding photographs that can never be replaced? If you want to take a gamble on your wedding photos then by all means do, but be prepared for disappointment if you choose a cheap service.

Why choose a Professional Photographer?

When you opt for a professional photographer, you’re getting far more than photos. Professional photographers use the best equipment and have exemplary skills in the art of photography. This means they’ll work with you to ensure that you get the photographs you want.

Photographers of all fields, whether they specialise in weddings or corporate projects, understand how to create engaging, exciting photos and truly capture a moment or message, which is far more complex that the ‘point and click’ approach of amateurs.

In addition, professional photographers can provide better quality prints. When it comes to wedding albums, they are able to create beautiful books that commemorate your special day, and when it comes to commercial images, their offerings will look much slicker. What’s more, professional photographers are trained to notice the most minute details, so you’ll get a shot with no ‘little niggles’ that ruin the whole effect.

So before you go for the bargain basement option, remember just how important your photographs really are and consider whether you can really afford to opt for a cheap photographer.

Ellie Taylor is a professional portrait photographer and avid photography blogger. During the week Ellie can be found at Alternative Images - the corporate photography specialists in London.

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